Coma - Alex Garland

The new novel from Alex Garland author of "the beach" ( the movie version sucks ), "28 days later" ( i loved the movie ) and "the tesseract" ( which was partly set in Manila ) comes "Coma" a page turner that blurs the edges of reality and probes the boundaries of consciousness.

It was a short novel less than 250 pages, some of the pages shows a dark wood illustrations drawn by the Author's father, it somehow gives you a dream image of what the character is going through.

It was the story of Carl, who gets beaten up in an incident on a train that left him comatose for sometime, until he wakes up from his coma ( or has he? ) only to realize that he is still in coma, fighting to wake up from that deep slumber.

the reader goes through inside his world, images of dream sequence, Carl then ended up from one world to another trying to search for a catalyst that will woke him up from his coma....

"when you wake up, you die"....death becomes a reality, in dreams, lucid or not, life goes on, but how many of you can tell your dreams in cunning exactness? when we wake up from a dream, all narratives are lost....

its recommended for a short read, i finished this in 3 hours ( i had a midnight snack, ice coffee, bathroom brake during that time )...want all of you to check this one out...