American Gods - Neil Gaiman

American Gods follows the strange journey of a man named Shadow, fresh out of prison to attend his wife's funeral, at the airplane he met a man who calls himself Mr. Wednesday, who talks about an incoming bigger storm (he's not talking about the weather).

A meeting that will take Shadow across America, through sleepy small towns, haunted like settings, roadside attractions, cast of thousand characters that includes ordinary folks and forgotten Gods of the past, Gods that different groups of people of past generation had worshiped to...

These Gods became forgotten, replaced by new faiths that since have sprung up, past Gods that ended up living a life among our ranks ( hooker, bum, funeral parlor owner, cab driver etc )

And the storm that Mr. Wednesday is talking about is the catalyst that will once and for all settle their fate in this world....

some lines from the book ( reference to jesus christ )

"its going to be a white christmas" said shadow as he pumped the gas.
"yup shit. that boy was one lucky son of a virgin"
"lucky, lucky guy he could fall in a cesspit and come up smelling like roses. hell its not even his birthday, you know that?. he took it from mirthas"
..."so yeah, Jesus does pretty good over here, but i met a guy who said he saw him hitchhiking by the side of the road in Afghanistan and nobody was stopping to give him a ride you know? it all depends on where you are" - American Gods

and humor injected lines like

"Where's the restroom?" the man pointed to a door in the corner of a was clean, well lit rest room, Shadow looked around the room first, force of habit ( "remember shadow, you cant fight back when you're pissing" Lowkey said, Lowkey as always at the back of his head ) - American Gods


This is definitely a great read, ( just a few dragging parts, just a few ), a shining example of mythology, modern day story with a glimpse of past ( history of the ever changing faith of mankind, worshippin Gods, demigods etc. )...what can i say...just read the book...

by the way Gaiman's new release "Anansi Boys" will be out soon...

honestly i never thought of him as special, after reading "stardust" before, i thought well, but i admit i became interested in his works after reading praises for him here at multiply...guess im a fan read "Neverwhere" ....