Sandman: Season of Mists - Neil Gaiman

I'll skip Volume 3 (I can't find a copy of Dream Country). Season of Mists begins with a sort of family gathering of the Endless, until it boils into an argument when Desire reminded Dream about a former flame whom he had banished into hell more than ten thousand years ago. Dream, driven by guilt of being wrong bid the Endless family goodbye to travel into hell and bring back his former love.
Expecting a tough challenge from Lucifer Morningstar, he was then surprised to see that Lucifer had gone weary of leading hell, has sent the demons away and having no desire to rule his dominion anymore gives the key to his realm to Morpheus.

Unsure of what to do with hell, Morpheus aka Dream become entangled with a problem because he has no desire to own and rule hell.

Now the gods and evils of different mythology have come to Morpheus world in order to seek what once was Lucifer's. The key to hell, and the rightful power that is associated with it.

In a magical and wonderful storytelling Gaiman weaves these different characters in the palace of Morpheus, each one earning an audience with Morpheus, bribing and pleading with him their own case.

In the end Morpheus must make a decision that will change the realms of hell forever.


This sandman series i'm currently hooked in, keeps getting better and better by each volume.

In Season of Mists, readers will get introduced to the whole Endless family, Desire, Death, Delirium, Destiny and so forth. What i like about the book is the way it shows Morpheus' ability to admit that he had done wrong. And the path he will go through to try and correct that mistake.

The climax where he finally apologizes to Nada is one of the strongest part of the story.

( The story about Nada and Morpheus was told in the opening chapter of Vol. 2 The Doll's House ).

Written in between is sort of bonus short story ( but is relevant with the whole story of the dead leaving hell and coming back to Earth ) "In Which the Dead Return; and "Charles Rowland Concludes His Education".

It tells of a haunted boarding school where in Charles Rowland meet the ghost of a previously murdered boy named Edwin Paine. ( their characters will appear in another DC Comics called "Dead Boy Detectives" ).

Morpheus as a character is at the top of its league in this chapter, new readers can start reading Vol. 3 and end up getting to know him real well. It is this pain and pride that kick-start this beautiful tale, of cruelty, of the subconscious of man, and eventually to betrayal and redemption. In the end the answer on who will rule hell lies in God's willingness to sacrifice one of his own just to put the balance in the world.